What gynecological services are available at Craig Ranch OB/GYN?
Below are just a few of the more common services and treatments available at our office for new and returning patients:
- Mammograms – mammograms are images of the breasts that are used to diagnose a variety of concerns including spotting the signs of breast cancer.
- Laparoscopic surgery – various surgical procedures performed by Dr. Craig Ranch are performed laparoscopically to reduce the risk of complications and minimizing scarring.
- Endometrial ablation – women who no longer want to have children may consider endometrial ablation to remove the endometrial tissues in the uterus.
- Pelvic pain syndrome – patients with pelvic pain syndrome can undergo a variety of tests to find the source of the problem and offer effective treatment whenever possible.
- Heavy menstrual cycles – women who notice a change in their menstrual cycles, including an increase in flow and heaviness, will need to book an appointment with a doctor for a full evaluation and examination to determine the cause.
- Urinary incontinence treatment – women with urinary incontinence should not feel embarrassed about talking to Dr. Craig Ranch about their condition to find a solution that works and improves their quality of life.
- Vaginal rejuvenation with Viveve – certain rejuvenation procedures such as Viveve can help women improve their vaginal area, addressing common problems such as incontinence, vaginal dryness, and painful sexual intercourse.
- Menopause – this period of change can result in several symptoms that can impact one’s quality of life. Our team may suggest the benefits of hormone replacement therapy.
- Pap smears – Pap smears are samples that are taken of the uterus to screen a patient for cancer.
Call the practice of Dr. Craig Ranch today
McKinney, TX area patients who are interested in receiving gynecological care services are welcome to book a consultation visit with our team at Craig Ranch OBGYN at 7900 Henneman Way, Ste. #100 to request an appointment. The office can be reached by phone at (214) 544-6600.