General Obstetrical Care in McKinney, TX

The goal of obstetrics and the prenatal care we provide at Craig Ranch OB/GYN is to keep both you and your future baby healthy. Some of this care will involve testing, some of it will be counseling on what to expect, some is simply being there through the more difficult parts of the process.

Patients looking for OB/GYN services in McKinney, including those for high-risk pregnancy and pre-pregnancy care, are encouraged to reach out to us at 214.544.6600.

General Obstetrical Care McKinney TX

Our team of highly skilled providers take great pride in the care we provide both for mom and for your future child. Call 214.544.6600 today to schedule your consultation in McKinney, TX!

What Is Obstetrical Care?

Obstetrical care, or prenatal care, consists of the checkups provided from our combination of doctors, nurses, and midwives throughout your pregnancy. The goal is to keep tabs on the various milestones of your pregnancy and to help keep mother and baby healthy and on the path for a successful delivery.

The Importance Of Prenatal Care in McKinney, TX

No one should go down this path alone, and prenatal care at Craig Ranch OB/GYN is important for you and your baby to stay as healthy as possible during the process. By monitoring your and your baby’s progress, we can find any potential problems as early as possible and treat or address them.

Our McKinney prenatal counseling services can help prevent certain issues from occurring at all. There’s a lot going on with you and your baby, and your body will change dramatically. We’ll help you understand what is happening and help guide you through your pregnancy.

Working with an obstetrician in McKinney can ensure you have support from a local, accessible provider who can answer all of your questions and support you on your pregnancy journey.

When Should I First See My Obstetrician At Craig Ranch OB/GYN?

Our team would like to see you as soon as you know you’re pregnant. If you’re planning on getting pregnant, we’d like to see you before you do. This is called pre-pregnancy care and it has both educational and health components to it.

How Often Should I Have Prenatal Care Visits?

There is some variability in the frequency of your prenatal visits with us. This depends, in part, on your age and on your risk of potential complications. Therefore, high-risk pregnancies will likely dictate more frequent appointments. This is the schedule of prenatal care for a healthy woman between the ages of 18 and 35:

  • Every 4 to 6 weeks for the first 32 weeks
  • Every 2 to 3 weeks for the 32nd to 37thweeks
  • Every week from the 37th week through delivery
Prenatal Care McKinney TX

What to Expect During your First Prenatal Care Appointment

Your first prenatal care appointment is typically the most involved. We’ll discuss your personal medical history, your family history, and the history of the other parent. We conduct a full physical exam, including blood work and urine testing. During this visit we will likely:

  • Measure your height, weight, blood pressure, breath rate, and pulse
  • Examine your breasts
  • Take a Pap test
  • Test you for various STDs
  • Screen for diabetes, anemia, hepatitis B, and rubella

Our providers will also want to get you on prenatal vitamins, particularly folic acid, if you’re not already on them. We will discuss things like your diet during pregnancy, lifestyle choices, and changes you may want to make in your life to help ensure the healthiest pregnancy possible.

We absolutely love everyone at Craig Ranch, from the front office girls, to the nurses & amazing physicians! Everyone is SO sweet & always seems to know you by name! So personal, and take amazing care of you before, during & after pregnancy! We highly recommend any of their physicians!"

- Cory S.

I absolutely love this office. The staff is so friendly and they take time to get to know you on a personal level. They are always willing to accommodate your needs and make your experience a good one. They are prompt on taking you back and prompt on returning your phone calls. I wouldn’t choose another location. I highly recommend this office.

- Anonymous

What Medications Can I Take During Pregnancy?

Generally, women are strongly encouraged to avoid any medication that has not been prescribed during their first trimester. That said, we understand that there may be times when it is medically necessary to take over-the-counter medication to remedy common complaints. Many medications are safe to take as needed. Before you take any medication, it is best to speak with your doctor.

Examples of medications that are considered safe to use during pregnancy include:

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain relief
  • Antacids such as Tums
  • Immodium
  • Benadryl tablets for allergies
  • Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra
  • Saline nasal spray
  • Neti-pot nasal rinse
  • Fiber supplements such as Metamucil®

What Vitamins are Most Important During the Prenatal Period?

There are several nutrients that you can take to support a healthy pregnancy. However, a few have been listed as essential. These include:

  • Folate. This B-vitamin has been shown to support optimal brain and spinal cord development. As such, it is recommended as a preventive supplement to guard against anencephaly and Spinal Bifida.
  • Iron. Iron deficiency, known as anemia, depletes the blood of healthy red blood cells. Without a sufficient amount of healthy red blood cells, the body's organs may not receive adequate oxygenation. During pregnancy, anemia can rob the growing fetus of healthy oxygen flow.
  • Calcium. During pregnancy, calcium from the mother's bones is directed toward fetal development. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy helps to restore mother's calcium levels so she and her baby are both well-supported. Calcium is important for the nervous, muscular, and circulatory systems, as well as normal heart rhythm.
  • Vitamin D. This "sunshine vitamin", taken in the form of D3, supports brain function, mood, immunity, and blood pressure. According to studies, fractures and abnormal bone growth in newborns have been associated with vitamin D deficiency.
  • Iodine. Iodine is necessary for optimal thyroid function. A baby's thyroid becomes active during the first trimester of pregnancy. At that time, the only thyroid hormone to draw from is the mother's. Thyroid hormones are integral to brain development and healthy brain function. To avoid deficiencies in herself and her baby, the mother should take an iodine supplement.

Is It Okay to Exercise During Pregnancy?

There are many reasons to exercise during pregnancy. Doing so can ease constipation, reduce back pain, and decrease the risks of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Exercise is beneficial to the heart and blood vessels and may also make it easier to lose weight after your baby is born. That said, you should engage in appropriate exercises for your pregnancy and general health. Your obstetrician will consult with you about the types of exercise that may be ideal for you as well as those that you should avoid. Examples of healthy, safe exercise during pregnancy include riding a stationary bike, swimming, (prenatal) yoga and Pilates classes, and low-impact aerobics.

While exercise provides a number of benefits during a healthy pregnancy, there are situations in which exercise is not recommended. Your obstetrician can discuss the circumstances in which they would advise against exercise or would want to modify the aspects of exercise. Examples include severe anemia, preeclampsia, pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, and being pregnant with multiple babies.

What is Gestational Age?

The gestational period is the time between conception and birth. Gestational age is the "age" of the pregnancy; the measurement of how far along a pregnancy is. Knowing your gestational age helps you know where your baby is in their developmental process, such as how big they may be and whether they have formed various body parts like fingers and toes. Gestational age is referred to in weeks, beginning on the first day of your last period. There are two periods of gestational age. The first, the embryonic period, ends at week 10 of pregnancy. From week 10 to birth, you are in the fetal stage. Your pregnancy ultrasound is one way in which your doctor measures gestational age.

What Are Things I Should Avoid During My Pregnancy?

Taking care of your own body and being aware of your surrounding environment during pregnancy plays an important role in your child’s health. To avoid causing harm to the health of the unborn baby, it’s important to avoid the following activities:

A cropped shot of a pregnant woman holding her belly
  • Acupuncture and massage
  • Laser treatments
  • High-intensity exercise
  • Fake-tanning, tanning salons, tanning beds
  • Using cleaning products, glue, paint, and other household chemicals unsafe for pregnant people
  • Saunas and jacuzzis

While pregnant, avoid the following foods and drinks:

  • Alcohol
  • Soft cheese
  • Raw meat
  • Raw fish and seafood
  • Unwashed fruits and vegetables
  • Raw eggs
  • Unpasteurized milk

Our McKinney prenatal counseling services can offer you everything you need to know about protecting yourself and your fetus during pregnancy. In addition to general recommendations, we personalize every expectant parent’s care to ensure they receive the best education possible.

Prenatal counseling can help reduce pregnancy anxiety and give you greater confidence on how to care for your body and mind as it adjusts to all of the changes it will go through.

My Partner And I Have Not Been Able To Get Pregnant, When Should We Seek Help For Infertility?

Historically, couples have been advised to seek help for infertility if they have not conceived after one year of having unprotected sex. However, women over the age of 35 are advised to seek a medical evaluation if they have not conceived within six months of trying. Furthermore, there are several factors that may contribute to fertility issues. Examples include polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS, a family history of BRCA and breast cancer, and endometriosis. Ultimately, when you seek to understand more about your infertility is completely up to you. You and your OBGYN work as a team to help you achieve your family goals.

Additional Prenatal Visits

Patients will need to have several follow-up appointments during their pregnancy. However, these appointments won’t be as involved as your first one.

Expectant mothers are always checked to be sure they and their fetuses are healthy. Prenatal care in McKinney focuses on ensuring you and your baby are healthy and that your growing child is developing appropriately.

Throughout these appointments, our goal is to have an ongoing give-and-take of information between you and our team. These are things we may do at these visits:

  • Check your urine
  • Check for swelling
  • Feel your belly to check the position of your fetus
  • Update your medical history
  • Take your weight and blood pressure
  • Measure the growth of your belly
  • Listen to the fetal heartbeat
  • Give you any genetic testing you have decided upon

What Testing Is Done During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy many tests are performed, most of which are routine. Genetic testing can be a part of these tests, such as amniocentesis. Amniocentesis tests your amniotic fluid, the fluid surrounding and protecting your fetus inside your uterus. Amniocentesis can detect chromosomal defects, such as Down syndrome. We may suggest amniocentesis if you are over 35 years old, you have a family history of certain birth defects, you’ve had a previous child with a major birth defect, or other screening tests point to the need for more detailed testing.

The following are the basic tests we will perform based on your trimester. Of course, every pregnancy is unique, so these tests can vary.

First Trimester

  • Urine tests
  • Rh factor tests
  • Initial blood work-up
  • Pap smear
Obstetrician McKinney TX

Second Trimester

  • Quad screen
  • Level 2 ultrasound
  • Glucose screening

Third Trimester

  • Non-stress test
  • Biophysical profile
  • Group B strep

Managing a High-Risk Pregnancy in McKinney, TX

The appropriate treatment for your high-risk pregnancy will depend on many factors, such as your age, the condition(s) you or your baby are facing or have a chance of developing, and lifestyle risks such as smoking and obesity. We do not judge any mother who comes to us for care — we are here to support you and do what’s best for you and your baby.

Potential treatment options we may explore include:

Routine Check-Ins With Your Obstetrician

Mothers facing a higher risk of pregnancy or birth complications can meet with their doctor more regularly. Monitoring you and your baby closely can help us prepare for the future, manage potential risks, and adjust our prenatal care and birth plan as needed.

Consulting With Other Medical Experts

We may refer you to specialists who can perform specific fetal evaluations and even perform in-utero surgery if necessary. Close collaboration between you, your obstetrician, and any other doctors you need to see can help improve your health and bring greater peace of mind during pregnancy.

Monitoring Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Levels

We may ask you to routinely check your blood sugar or blood pressure at home to keep track of your health. We will teach you how to use the necessary devices and what levels to be mindful of — if you are ever out of a safe range, we will provide the next steps so you know exactly what to do to protect you and your baby.

Lifestyle Recommendations

For pregnant women who are obese or face other lifestyle risks, your obstetrician can kindly guide you toward healthy changes that will support a safe pregnancy and even keep you healthier after labor and delivery. We can suggest nutrition, prenatal vitamins, and exercise regimes that are all safe for you based on your unique body type, abilities, and needs.

How Can I Find the Right OB/GYN For Me?

Your relationship with your OB/GYN is one of the most important connections you’ll have during your pregnancy. Finding the right OB/GYN in McKinney requires considering many factors.

One of the first things you can do to choose the right OB/GYN is to conduct research on the providers that are local to you. Find out their background, years of experience, and areas of expertise or specialization, especially if you have certain medical conditions that may make your pregnancy high-risk.

Secondly, consider your communication style and seek an OB/GYN in McKinney that may fit how you process and take in new information. If you are still unsure about selecting a provider, it’s always a good idea to turn to trusted loved ones and ask about their experiences finding OB/GYNs, and how they helped them on their pregnancy journeys.

How Can I Manage Common Pregnancy Discomforts Such as Nausea, Back Pain, and Fatigue?

Pregnancy can bring various physical challenges. The good news, though, is that you can use several strategies to address common discomforts.

For nausea, eating small, frequent meals, staying hydrated, and avoiding strong odors can be effective. Ginger and vitamin B6 supplements may also help, but consult your doctor first.

You can relieve back pain by practicing good posture, wearing supportive shoes, and doing pregnancy-safe exercises like swimming or yoga. Using a pregnancy pillow can also provide support while sleeping.

To combat fatigue, ensure you sleep enough, take naps when needed, and maintain a balanced diet rich in iron and protein to prevent anemia.

What Are the Signs of Potential Pregnancy Complications That Need Immediate Medical Attention?

It’s crucial to recognize warning signs of pregnancy complications. Seek immediate medical attention for:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Persistent headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Sudden swelling in the hands or face
  • Reduced fetal movement after the 28th week
  • High fever
  • Painful urination
  • Severe nausea and vomiting that prevent eating or drinking

How Can Avoid Unhealthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

Maintaining a healthy weight benefits you and your baby.

Your diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid empty calories from sugary snacks or beverages.

A pregnant woman sitting on a couch holding her belly

Regular, moderate exercise (walking, prenatal yoga, etc.) can help you stay active. Work with your healthcare provider to set weight gain goals based on your pre-pregnancy BMI.

What Are the Recommendations for Travel During Pregnancy, and How Can I Ensure It’s Safe?

Traveling during pregnancy is generally safe until the 36th week, though the second trimester is often ideal. To ensure safety, follow these guidelines:

  • Wear comfortable clothing
  • Stay hydrated
  • Move around often to prevent blood clots

For long car rides, take breaks every couple of hours to stretch. When flying, choose an aisle seat for easy access and wear compression socks to support circulation.
Always consult your doctor before traveling. This is especially important if you have a high-risk pregnancy.

What Should I Know About Postpartum Recovery to Prepare for the Weeks Following Delivery?

Postpartum recovery is as important as pregnancy care. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

  • Stock up on essentials like perineal pads, pain relievers, and comfortable clothing.
  • Prioritize rest, stay hydrated, and eat nutritious meals to aid recovery and breastfeeding.
  • Accept help from family or friends to lighten your load.
  • Be mindful of postpartum depression signs, such as extreme mood swings or persistent sadness. Knowing what to watch for can help you get the support you need sooner.

Why Choose Craig Ranch Ob/Gyn?

Craig Ranch Ob/Gyn is a top-rated practice in McKinney, TX. We have delivered exceptional care to women of all ages since 2000.

With a team of six experienced physicians, including Dr. Shea Joyner and Dr. Sara Robert , four Certified Nurse Midwives, and a nurse practitioner, the practice provides comprehensive obstetric and gynecological services.

Having delivered over 5,000 babies, we specialize in services like vaginal births for twins and VBACs. Patients also enjoy flexibility, with delivery options at Baylor Scott & White McKinney or Medical City of McKinney. Trust Craig Ranch Ob/Gyn for compassionate, expert care tailored to your needs.

Schedule A General Obstetrical Consultation In McKinney!

To learn more about our obstetrical services or to schedule your first prenatal care appointment, give us a call at 214.544.6600 today! Or, you can fill out our appointment request form by clicking here! Our practice serves Plano, McKinney, and the surrounding areas of Texas!

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